AWG is committed to sustainable development. To effectively plant trees and improve soil, we need to understand how the landscape works on a larger scale. This includes the soil and water system, vegetation, cultural, and socio-economic aspects. Local farmers play an important role in restoring the system.

AWG has developed an area vision with the help of H+N+S Landscape Architects and Witteveen+Bos. This vision is a first step towards sustainable development in the region. Additional investments are needed to complete the vision.

The Tiva river catchment

AWG is committed to sustainable development on various scales; local, regional and global.


The Tiva River catchment, the area in which we are active, is facing a number of challenges, including climate change, deforestation and overgrazing. Climate change is causing the area to become even drier, which is making it difficult for people to access water.


The catchment receives only 300-700 mm of rain per two seasons (April and November). In most watercourses, there is no water for most of the year. More of those seasonal rivers are appearing in the landscape, which increases water insecurity year-round because the scarce water is quickly taken out of the area. Inhabitants collect water from the riverbed for their households.


The Tiva River also supplies the Tsavo National Park with water, which is located downstream. Tsavo National Park is home to a variety of wildlife, including elephants, lions, zebras, and giraffes. The are is also home to a number of indigenous tree species, such as Acacia Mellifera, Faidherbia Albida, and Melia Volkensii.


The activities of Africa Wood Grow aim to provide the landscape with a canopy of leaves that improves soil quality and increases water availability. That is why we are currently focusing on converting conventional agriculture (goats and local crops) to agroforestry. By planting more trees, the water is retained longer and released more gradually to the Tiva River. This benefits the local population and the animals in Tsavo National Park.

Our area of impact

AWG has been active in the Kathome area since 2010. There, three “example” farms, the CBO with a community hub many active AWG farmers, a nursery, and several shops that sell the products of the farms have been established.


In 2017, AWG company went in search of new land to reforest. They found this 60 km further south and founded the Kamutei farm of 16HA there. From here, Africa Wood Grow hopes to start a new greening movement with farmers in the area. The farm is located in a high-altitude area with deep groundwater. This makes it difficult for farmers to access water, and the area is prone to drought.


AWG is planting trees on the farm to help improve soil quality and water infiltration. The trees will also help to shade the ground, which will help to reduce evaporation. The farm also has a nursery where trees are grown for planting on other farms in the area.


AWG is also working to collect rainwater and surface water through soil and water conservation techniques such as contour trenches, check dams, and earth dams. This water that is collected in the earth dams will be used for irrigation and for drinking water for cattle of the local population.


The first map shows the 600km2 where AWG is currently focusing. The idea is to become active in the entire area, according to our strategy.

Our landscape vision

AWG is in the process of developing a landscape vision for the Tiva River basin. The landscape vision will identify the key challenges facing the basin, such as soil erosion, water scarcity, and deforestation. It also proposes solutions to address these challenges, such as planting trees, building dams, and creating water harvesting systems.

The landscape vision is based on a comprehensive understanding of the landscape. This understanding is gained through a variety of methods, including desk research, field surveys, and interviews with local stakeholders.

The landscape vision is a living document that will be updated as new information becomes available. AWG is committed to working with local stakeholders to implement the landscape vision and to ensure that it is sustainable in the long term.

The landscape vision is an important step in AWG’s mission to restore the Tiva River basin. The vision will provide a roadmap for how to address the challenges facing the basin and how to create a more sustainable future for the area.

Support us

Support us with a donation. Transfer your donation to
NL65 TRIO 0197 9433 73, citing Stichting Africa Wood Grow in The Hague.

The Africa Wood Grow Foundation has ANBI status, making donations tax deductible in the Netherlands.